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高三英语作文 惜·昔_抒情散文 600字

高三英语作文 惜·昔_抒情散文 600字

高三英语作文 惜·昔_抒情散文 600字

高三英语作文 惜·昔_抒情散文 600字

English Composition Xi Xi _ Lyric prose 600 words
People's memories fade with time.

-- inscription

Ten years from now, will I remember the people and things that were around me? Ten years from now, will I still be able to name them? Ten years from now, will they still remember me as a lonely boat once stored in their minds?

Open this memory that has been covered with dust for years, it has been covered with dust and blur. Picking up this group photo, one after another faces full of vitality, faces that have not yet been polluted by the world, are blurred before me. Time, years, age, these so-called sacred things, have polished my memory no longer clear. Am I supposed to hate them? But my thoughts did not allow me to do so, not because they were there. It's just that I forget people and things too easily. It was followed by regret, regret that I had not remembered their faces, hate that I had been ignorant. But I can't go back to the past, they have their own career now, may no longer remember the former people and things. Once which continent, has been divided into a small island, even if connected together can not be connected to the land. But now, can only remember, in that vibrant season, we have struggled together, struggled, but the result is no longer important. Looking at the appearance of these teenagers, vaguely saw their appearance now ~~~~ mature and stable.

Is it so easy for humans to forget? So ignorant and despicable. When the good time - youth, left us, will not give up. They will try their best to recall the time they are searching for, but the time has never left anyone a trace of emotion, we can only rely on memories to find spiritual comfort.

In such a "cold" early summer, I met the memories of this reunion after a long time, so that my heart was sad, I finally failed to remember them clearly.



十年decade; ten years;后,我还会记起曾经在我身边的人和物吗?十年decade; ten years;后,我还能一下叫出他们的名字吗?十年decade; ten years;后,他们还会记起我这个曾经存储在他们脑海中的一叶孤舟吗?

打开这段已被尘封了数年的记忆,它上面已经布满bestrew; bestrid; besprinkle; bestrewn; bestridden;尘屑和模糊。拿起这张集体照,一张张充满活力的面容,还没经过尘世污染的面容,在我面前很是模糊。时间,岁月,年龄,他们这些所谓的神圣之物,已将我的记忆打磨的不再no longer; no more;清晰。难道我应该仇恨它们吗?但我的思想不允许我这样,并不是因为它们的存在而忘却的。而是我太容易淡忘曾经身边的人和物了。随之而来的是悔恨regret deeply; be bitterly remorseful;,悔我当时没能牢记他们的容貌,恨我当时的无知。但我已回不到less than; absent oneself from; on the right side of;从前,他们现在已有了自己的事业,可能不再no longer; no more;记起从前的人和事。曾经哪一大陆,已经分裂成一个个小孤岛islet;,即使连在一起也无法连成陆地。但如今,只能only; can but;零零星星记起,在那个生机勃勃的季节里,我们在一起奋斗过,拼搏过,但结果是什么已不再no longer; no more;重要。看着这些少年的模样,依稀看到了他们现在的模样~~~~成熟·稳重。

难道人类就这样的容易淡忘吗?这样的无知和可鄙。每当美好的时光——青春,离我们而去,才会不舍。才会竭尽全力地回忆起他们苦苦寻觅的时光,但时光从没给任何人留下leave; leave behind; keep back; leave over;一丝情面feelings; sensibilities; face-saving; personal consideration;,我们只能only; can but;依靠回忆去寻找心灵上的安慰。

在这样“寒冷”的初夏early summer;,遇到了这个久别重逢的回忆,让我心生悲凉,我最终还是没能记起清晰的他们。
