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高一英文作文 关于节俭的高中作文素材大全 550字

高一英文作文 关于节俭的高中作文素材大全 550字

高一英文作文 关于节俭的高中作文素材大全 550字

高一英文作文 关于节俭的高中作文素材大全 550字

High school English Composition About thrifty high school composition material total 550 words

In life, we should be frugal, low-carbon and environmentally friendly life, some people will litter, spitting, which is not good behavior.

Sadie said such a sentence: who is frugal in daily life, in the poor will easily overcome difficulties; He who is luxurious when he is rich will die of hunger and cold when he is poor. Yes, this sentence is very good, can encourage us to save money, do not let us spend money, we all know that mom and dad is not easy to make money, we have to save money, and electricity, water, clothes, books, stationery and so on are bought with money, we save up in life, in difficult times will be simple through, but those who do not save money, In a difficult situation, you may die.

For example, such a story on behalf of this student does not save: Once in the canteen to eat, a student felt that the food is not delicious and then throw it away. This story tells us to save food if there is no farmer uncle, we now have nothing to eat, we are now afraid to starve to death, what food is delicious or not delicious does not matter, the main dish is not delicious you don't taste a waste of farmer uncle's pains.

We must know that the steamed bread we eat three meals a day is made of wheat, but you know how these wheat is formed, it is the farmer's uncle worked hard every day to water and fertilize the seed.

Some students said, "I have no appetite, I can't eat." It is understood that there are about 800 teachers and students eating each meal in the canteen, if 70% of the people waste 0. 05 kg of rice, then, the canteen waste only one day of rice is 56 kg, a month 30 days have to waste 1680 kg, a year's waste can be imagined.

I get a lot of inspiration from these things, because we know to save food, low-carbon life, refuse to waste.

在生活中,我们应该节俭,低碳和环保的生活,有些人会乱扔垃圾,随地吐痰,这是不好bad; no good; no chop;的行为。

赛迪说过said; quoth;这样一句话:谁在日常生活daily life; everyday life;中节俭,在贫困中就会轻松克服困难;富足时奢侈的人,贫穷时必因饥寒hunger and cold;而死。是的,这句话很好,能鼓励我们省钱,不让我们乱花钱,我们都知道爸爸妈妈赚钱不容易,我们要存钱,而电、水、衣服、书、文具stationery;等等都是用钱买的,我们在生活中存钱,在困难的时候会简单的度过,但是那些不存钱的人,在困难的情况下,你可能会死。

比如,这样一个故事就代表了这个学生的不存:有一次在食堂吃饭,一个学生觉得饭菜不好bad; no good; no chop;吃就扔掉了。这个故事告诉我们要节约粮食如果没有农民伯伯uncle; father's elder brother;,我们现在就没饭吃了,我们现在就怕饿死starve; starvation; starve to death; perish from hunger;了,什么食物好吃不好bad; no good; no chop;吃都无所谓,主菜不好bad; no good; no chop;吃你就别尝了浪费了农民伯伯uncle; father's elder brother;的心血。

我们要知道,我们一日三餐吃的馒头steamed bun;是用小麦做的,但你知道这些小麦是怎么形成的吗,那是农民的叔叔每天辛勤地给种子浇水施肥。

一些学生说,“我没有胃口,我不能吃。”据了解,每餐约有800名师生teachers and students;在食堂吃饭,如果70%的人浪费0。05公斤大米,那么,食堂仅一天浪费的大米就是56公斤,一个月30天就得浪费1680公斤,一年year;的浪费可想而知。

