首页 英语作文 英语作文素材 描写玩具狗的精彩片段

英语作文素材 描写玩具狗的精彩片段

英语作文素材 描写玩具狗的精彩片段

英语作文素材 描写玩具狗的精彩片段

英语作文素材 描写玩具狗的精彩片段

English composition material A wonderful scene describing a toy dog
The teacher's home has a toy dog, it is furry, small ears a fan, brown nose seems to smell the smell of meat, gray big eyes look at you without blinking, really cute. He wore his white mink coat all the time, as if his price was very expensive and he was afraid of losing it. He lay lazily on the table, his short tail wagged from time to time, like a stupid bear. Sometimes she knew that she was a pretty girl and must be dressed, so she tied a fine ribbon around her neck. The smell of fragrant into my nose, as if its value suddenly high several times.
老师家有一个玩具狗,它全身毛茸茸hairy; downy;的,小小的耳朵一扇一扇,棕色brown; suntan;的鼻子似乎闻到了肉味,灰溜溜gloomy; dejected; crestfallen;的大眼睛一眨不眨的看着你,真可爱。它每时每刻都穿着它那白色的貂皮大衣,似乎他的价钱price;很贵,生怕for fear that; lest; so as not to;丢了。他懒洋洋的趴在桌子上,短短的尾巴不时一摇一摇,活像look exactly like; be the spit and image of; have a resemblance to;一只笨笨的狗熊black bear; Selenarctos thebetanus;。有时它也知道自己是一个漂亮的女孩子,一定要打扮打扮,于是它在脖子neck;上扎了一条精美的丝带。香香的味道钻进了我的鼻子,好像它的身价social status;顿时immediately; at once; forthwith;高了好几倍。
