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高考英语作文 等待,是一种期盼 900字

高考英语作文 等待,是一种期盼 900字

高考英语作文 等待,是一种期盼 900字

高考英语作文 等待,是一种期盼 900字

College Entrance Examination Waiting is a kind of looking forward to 900 words

Waiting is a kind of expectation; Waiting, such as a snowdrop in full bloom in the heart, quietly opening in the beautiful......

-- Inscription

Vanka was so tired that he went to sleep with sweet hope. But the thin Vanka forgot to collect the pen and ink he had stolen.

In the evening, the boss came back. He found that Fanka was not looking at the shop, still sleeping, and also stole their ink, very angry, picked up small Fanka's ear and dragged him out of sleep to the yard, and beat his arm hard with a last, and swore that he would break Fanka's arm. Though his teeth were bared, Vanka's own heart was happy this time, and he thought: Perhaps the letter has been carried away by the drunken postman; This may be the last time I am beaten; Dear Grandpa may already be on his way; The hard days are coming to an end! Fanka thought so, looking up at the sky, his grandfather's smiling face appeared before him, as if he were driving slowly to Moscow......

Little Vanka began to work hard every day to show his grandfather what he had learned. He prayed in his heart every day; Pray that grandpa can receive his letter as soon as possible, pray that grandpa can come to meet him in peace on the way! Every day he began to fantasize about whether, as soon as he heard the clatter of horses, he would look out the glass window of the shop and see if the postman had brought him a letter from his grandfather, or if he had asked the postman to bring him food and clothes, or if his grandfather had come...... Vanca looked every time, but every time there was no, but he always told himself: it may be too far away, grandpa has not received the letter, and after a while received, will come. He still watches every day, thinks every day......

Once because of thinking too much, when packing things accidentally broke a set of tea, the boss and the owner of the mother very angry, the small fan ka dragged to the yard sticks. Until he was dizzy, black and blue, and lay dying for a few days before he could just stand up.

Little Fanka can't wait any longer, in the heart began to complain about grandpa, so while the boss lunch break ran to the mailbox waiting for the arrival of the postman. After the postman came, he told the postman roughly what he wanted to come, but he was returned by the postman. The letter he wrote was not addressed clearly and could not be delivered to its destination. Little Vanka was very sad, and he took the letter and went back dejectedly. As he sat in the passage of the shoemaker's house, something occurred to him, and he took the pen and the bottle of ink from the cabinet, dipped it in the tip, and changed the envelope to read: "Konstantin Macarich, night watchman of the house of Master Zhvareviv in the country." Sticking out his little tongue, he folded up his things with satisfaction and dropped the letter back into the mailbox.

Vanca sat in the hallway thinking about the time his grandfather 'actually' received the letter he had written; Thinking of when his grandfather would take him back to the countryside to live together, he fell asleep again......

等待,是一种期盼;等待,如心中盛开了一朵雪莲花,在美好中静静地开放......---题记凡卡太累了,他怀着甜蜜的希望睡了。可是瘦弱的凡卡却忘记了收拾他偷用的笔和墨水。入夜时分,老板回来了。他发现凡卡并没有在看店,还在睡觉,并且还偷用了他们家的墨水,很是生气,揪起小凡卡的耳朵就把他从睡梦中拖到了院子里,轮着楦头使劲打着他的胳膊,嘴里骂说着要打断凡卡的胳膊。虽然凡卡被揍得呲牙咧嘴,但这次他自己的心里还是美滋滋very pleased with oneself;的,他想:那封信或许已经被那位醉醺醺drunk; sottish; tipsy;的邮差postman; post;带走了吧;这或许是我最后一次挨打了吧;亲爱的爷爷或许已经在路上了吧;苦日子就要熬到头了!凡卡这样想着,向天空望了望,爷爷的笑脸就浮现在眼前,好像正坐着马车缓缓地往莫斯科赶来......小凡卡开始每天努力地工作,想让爷爷看看自己学到的成绩。他每天在心里祈祷;祈祷爷爷能早日收到receive; obtain;他的信,祈祷爷爷能在来接他的路上平平安安!他开始每天幻想,只要一听到马蹄声就向店门的玻璃窗外张望,是邮差postman; post;给他带来了一封爷爷的回信,或是爷爷让邮差postman; post;捎来了吃的和穿的,还是爷爷亲自来了......凡卡每次every time;都看,可每次every time;都没有,但他总会告诉自己:可能是路途太远,爷爷还没收到receive; obtain;信呢,等过一阵子收到receive; obtain;了,就来了。他依旧每天看,每天想......有一次因为想得太入神,收拾东西时不小心打碎smash;了一套a set of; a suit of; a nest of; an assortment of;茶具,老板和老板娘生气得不得了,把小凡卡拖到院子里棍棒相加。直打得他头昏脑胀,身上青一块紫一块,躺在那奄奄一息,几天several days;之后他才将就着能站起来。小凡卡再也等不及啦,心里开始抱怨爷爷,于是趁着老板午休的时候跑到邮筒mailbox(寄信用);那等着邮差postman; post;的到来。邮差postman; post;来后他向邮差postman; post;大致地说了来意,却遭到了邮差postman; post;的退信。他写的信地址不明确,不能送到目的地。小凡卡伤心极啦,他沮丧地拿着信走了回去。坐在鞋匠家的过道里,他绞尽脑汁,忽然想到了什么,于是从柜子里拿出那支笔和那瓶墨水,蘸蘸笔尖nib; pen point; the tip of a writing brush or pencil;,把信封改成了:“乡下日发略维夫老爷家的守夜人康斯坦丁·玛卡里奇收”“凡卡”。他伸着小舌头满意的收起东西,便又把信投回了邮筒mailbox(寄信用);。凡卡坐在过道里,想着爷爷‘真正’收到receive; obtain;他写的信时的景象;想着爷爷什么时候把他带回乡下一起生活的景象,他,又甜甜地睡着了......
