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英语作文素材 简爱好词好句好段摘抄

英语作文素材 简爱好词好句好段摘抄

英语作文素材 简爱好词好句好段摘抄

English composition material Jane Eyre has good words and good sentences

【 Good word 】

Cold, cold, hidden, sheltered, sad, awkward, heavy, hidden, humble, disdainful, cold, cold, comfortable, quiet, clear, light, rigid, generous, humiliating and trivial

Fierce contempt for fragile nestling sloppiness denigrating comfort wandering humility picking up thorns rash shyness respecting messy rigid indulgence engrave strange abyss veil sin quiet fool shallow strange embarrassment

Delirious admiration and rounded admiration engulf flattery

Jane loves good quotes

【 Good idiom 】

The clouds are overcast the joys of the family the quivers and the inquisitions The vastness grows more and more mysterious and interesting the blind the blind the furtive the suspicious the imperious the unspeakable

Lonely and terrible is not enough to make a picture of the sound of the day and night to cry and cry without thinking menacingly to ride the tiger to talk half a doubt to look around tattered and safe and pleasant and affable and not bad and bored and silent and cunning and sneering and not afraid to go up in smoke The wind and the sun do not know what the wind and the sun do not know what the meteor is all the time twinkling eyes clearly sobs not a sound innocent exhausted to break through a vast expanse of unbribed escape clever and unrestrained hesitancy and lethargy disappear exposed a pool of dead water with a sigh of relief the autumn air chatter endlessly thinking the imagination dazzling aggressive solemn gorgeous place Few words fickle rude Condescending indifferent affectation indifference free half-hearted affectation Frivolous superficial Mercenary callous exaggerated The way Freely diffuse surging silence Both talent and beauty

凛冽 冷飕飕 隐蔽 庇护 阴凄凄 隽永 尴尬 肃穆 臃肿 藏匿 谦卑 蔑视 践踏 冷冰冰 冷酷 舒畅 僻静 沉寂 清晰 轻盈 刻板 慷慨 嘀咕 耻辱 琐碎

激烈 鄙视 脆弱 偎依 邋遢 诋毁 慰藉 踯躅 谦卑 拾掇 荆棘 轻率 腼腆 尊崇 凌乱 僵硬 放纵 镌刻 怪僻 深渊 帷幕 罪孽 静谧 愚弄 浅薄 蹊跷 窘迫

昏聩 倾慕 圆润 吞没 恭维



阴云密布 天伦之乐 吹毛求疵 刨根究底 广袤无垠 与日俱增 神秘莫测 趣味盎然 熟视无睹 逆来顺受 鬼鬼祟祟 满腹狐疑 专横霸道 难以言传

孤苦伶丁 骇人听闻 不足为凭 绘声绘色 朝思暮想 哭哭啼啼 不假思索 气势汹汹 骑虎难下 喋喋不休 半信半疑 东张西望 破烂不堪 安然无恙 和颜悦色 和蔼可亲 分毫不差 百无聊赖 沉默不语 工于心计 嗤之以鼻 飞针走线 毫无顾忌 灰飞烟灭 风和日丽 不知所云 风和日丽 大步流星 无时无刻 挤眉弄眼 清清楚楚 泣不成声 清白无辜 精疲力尽 披荆斩棘 广阔无垠 逃之夭夭 聪明伶俐 无拘无束 犹犹豫豫 昏迷不醒 销声匿迹 暴露无遗 一潭死水 如释重负 秋高气爽 喋喋不休 浮想联翩 眼花缭乱 咄咄逼人 庄严肃穆 富丽堂皇 用武之地 少言寡语 变幻无常 粗暴无礼 屈尊俯就 无动于衷 矫揉造作 冷漠无情 无拘无束 三心二意 矫揉造作 轻浮浅薄 唯利是图 冷酷无情 夸大其词 碍手碍脚 无拘无束 和颜悦色 汹涌澎湃 沉默寡言 才貌双全
