高考英语作文 冷眼看繁华,逆风自飞翔 900字
高考英语作文 冷眼看繁华,逆风自飞翔 900字
Cold eyes to see prosperity, flying against the wind
Ward, who has triumphed and won acclaim, is representative of a certain kind of mastermind. They have a unique eye, ignore the noise of the crowd, through the clouds to see the blue sky; They take the edge of the sword, good at contrarian thinking, blowing the crazy sand to get gold. Their secret of success, I will sum it up in one sentence: look at the prosperity with a cold eye, fly against the wind.
Truth often hides in lonely corners, where it is cold and people are lazy. Only those who look through the background of prosperity with cold eyes can not be moved by common customs, always adhere to the true color, strive to pursue, take off again and again against the headwind, and finally reach the other side of success.
There is an interesting story in Feng Menglong's "Brain" : The State of Wu Yue sent an envoy to the newly established Song Dynasty. This duke was knowledgeable and unchallenged, and could be called invincible. The civil and military ministers of the Song Dynasty have been anxious and sleepless for many days, discussing the right candidates for fear that they would lose their own dignity in diplomacy. Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhao Kuangyin laughed and sent an illiterate man to negotiate. The emissaries of Wu Yue originally intended to carry out negotiations, but seeing that the other side was slow in speaking and the two sides could not agree, they finally sat in silence and withdrew in frustration. This matter was spread to the court for a time, and it was a good story, and all officials admired the emperor's great cunning if foolish strategy. Zhao Kuangyin's successful diplomacy is a good example of winning through reverse thinking.
While all architects were interested in small and delicate buildings, Gustave Eiffel designed a steel tower that had never been built before. When the citizens of Paris saw this tower for the first time, they were very angry and could not tolerate such an ugly thing standing in the central square. But the real artistic charm will bloom sooner or later, and today the Eiffel Tower has become a landmark of Paris, and even a spiritual symbol of France. The designer Eiffel is also a proud genius, he does not follow the fashion, does not adhere to the public opinion, a unique, shine. ,
The ancient prose movement of Tang and Song dynasties was widely praised by the critics of later generations, but the simple Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu were controversial in the era of gorgeous antithetic prose. Scream has long been regarded as the standard of modern literature, but Lu Xun was regarded as an outlandish by many authoritative scholars. There is also the crazy Van Gogh, the accomplished Tao Yuanming, unknown in life, after death, famous. History is the most fair judge, and will always award the highest honor to the most persistent "son".
Do not envy the extravagance and luxury of the marquis house, the red dawn of the night will tell you that Li Jing is the hero who will rise to prominence in the future; Do not go to the lively streets to find the beauty of the Fang trace, calm Xin Qiji will tell you, their beautiful figure are hidden in the dim lights. Why go to the temple of prosperity of incense to ask God, the six ancestors of understanding Huineng will tell you that the other side of cleanliness is in the heart of each of us.
Be yourself, don't follow blindly, shine your eyes, stand firm, listen to the call of truth, and fly bravely in the direction of the wind!
力排众议并斩获Killing;盛誉的沃德是某一类高明人士的代表。他们独具慧眼,不理众声喧哗hubbub; uproar; tumult; confused noise;,拨开云雾见青天;他们剑走偏锋,善于逆向思维,吹尽狂沙始得金。他们的成功秘诀,我将其概括为一句话:冷眼看繁华,逆风against the wind; in the teeth of the wind; [气象] dead wind;自飞翔。
真理往往藏在寂寞的角落,那里冷冷清清,人所懒顾。而唯有冷眼看穿繁华底色的人,才能不为流俗所动,始终坚持本色,奋力追求,迎着逆风against the wind; in the teeth of the wind; [气象] dead wind;一次次起飞,最终抵达成功的彼岸。
冯梦龙的《智囊》里有一则有趣的故事:吴越国向刚刚建立的宋朝派来一个使者,此公博学多闻,辩才eloquence;无碍,堪称无敌。宋朝文武群臣多日来焦急难眠,苦议酬对人选,生怕在外交上折损了自家的体面。不料太祖皇帝赵匡胤哈哈一笑,派了个目不识丁的人前去交涉。吴越国的使者本打算来一番折冲樽俎,但见对方言语迟讷,双方话不投机,终于只有颓然dejected; disappointed;默坐,铩羽而遁。此事一时间风传朝野,传为佳话,百官皆佩服皇帝这大巧若拙的计谋。赵匡胤的成功外交正是通过逆向思维获取胜利的佳例。
当所有的建筑设计师都热衷于精致小巧的建筑时,古斯塔夫·埃菲尔却设计出一个前所未有的钢铁巨塔。当巴黎的市民初见at first blush; at the first face; at first sight;此塔时无不惊怒万状,难以容忍这么个丑东西矗立在市中心广场。但真正的艺术魅力迟早会绽放,而今的埃菲尔铁塔早已成为巴黎的标志性建筑,甚至成为了法国的精神象征。设计师埃菲尔也是一个孤傲的天才,他不追赶时髦,不附和众议,一枝独秀,大放异彩。、
唐宋古文运动被后世的评论家广为传颂,但在华丽的骈文风靡天下的年代,质朴的韩愈、欧阳修却饱受争议;《呐喊》早已被奉为现代文学的圭臬,但当年的鲁迅却被很多权威硕儒视作大逆不道的异类。还有疯疯癫癫act as a lunatic;的梵高,一事无成的陶渊明,生前默默无闻,死后名动古今。历史是最公正的裁判,总会将最高级的荣誉颁给最执着的“逆子unfilial son;”。
切莫去羡慕侯门相府的穷奢极欲,夜奔的红拂女会告诉你,风尘困顿中的李靖Li Jing(人名);才是日后出人头地的英雄;不要去热闹的街头寻觅美人的芳踪,冷静的辛弃疾会告诉你,她们俏丽pretty; handsome;的身影都藏在灯火阑珊处。何必去香火鼎盛的寺庙求神问卜,通达的六祖惠能会告诉你,洁净的彼岸就在我们每个人的心底。