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英语作文素材 春天来了句子

英语作文素材 春天来了句子

英语作文素材 春天来了句子

英语作文素材 春天来了句子

English composition material Spring comes the sentence

Spring is coming, the small grass buds in the green garden sunflower also began to quietly peep out their heads, looking for the footprints of spring girls.

Looking at the small grass sprouts seriously looking for spring, sensing spring, and walking into spring, how spiritual it is. Rich imagination, both full of childlike interest, but also wrote the beauty of spring. Let the teacher also really feel the breath of spring.

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Spring is a wonderful season! In spring, all things come to life, the snow and ice melt, the trees spit out little buds, the grass around the house also sticks out their heads, and the wild geese in the south fly back. Make our spring colorful, so the spring in everyone's heart is beautiful.

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Spring comes and everything comes back to life. The grass on the grass also poked out from the ground, the slender willow branches grew out of the tender green buds, peach, pear and early blooming flowers have opened colorful flowers, beautiful! The little bees are busy gathering honey from the flowers. Birds chirping in the branches, spring is coming!

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Spring is coming, the weather is getting warmer day by day, the swallows fly back from the south, the birds are chirping and singing in the branches. A spring breeze blowing, peach blossom smile red face, willow branches swinging long pigtails, grass from the soil out of the small head. I took off my thick cotton-padded jacket, rode my beloved bicycle to the square, and played happily with my friends.

Oh, what a beautiful spring!

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Spring has come, the ice in the river has melted, the willow trees have sprouted, and the grass has grown buds. There are many kites flying in the sky.

Spring came quietly like this.

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One day, I walked on the side of the road suddenly saw the young trees issued green shoots, I knew that the original spring is coming. Spring in my eyes is the revival of all things, full of vitality. I love spring.

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Spring is coming! Swallows fly back from the south, young trees, grass and flowers have grown a little buds, the arrival of spring let our home become better.
春天来了,绿油油的花园里向日葵[作物] sunflower;的小草蓓蕾也开始悄悄地探出头来,寻找春天姑娘的脚印。


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春天是一个美妙的季节!春天,万物复苏,冰雪融化,树木吐出小芽,房子周围的草也伸出了头,南方的大雁wild goose;也飞回来了。让我们的春天多姿多彩,让每个人心中的春天都是美丽的。

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春天来了,万物复苏。小草上的小草也从地上探了出来,细长long and thin; tall and slender; tenuous;的柳树[林] willow; osier;枝上长出了嫩绿light green; verdancy;的嫩芽,桃花、梨花和早开的花儿纷纷开出了五颜六色的花朵,美丽极了!小蜜蜂正忙着从花中采蜜。小鸟birdie;在树枝上啁啾,春天来了!

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春天来了,天气一天比一天暖和,燕子从南方飞回来了,鸟儿在树枝上叽叽喳喳chirp; twitter;地唱歌。一阵春风吹过,桃花笑红了脸,柳枝上甩着长长的辫子,小草从泥土里探出了小脑袋。我脱下厚厚的棉袄,骑着心爱的自行车来到广场,和朋友们开心地玩耍。


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春天来了,河里的冰融化了,柳树[林] willow; osier;发芽了,小草也长出了新芽bud; sprouting;。天空中有许多风筝kite;在飞翔。


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春天来了!燕子从南方飞回来了,小树、小草和鲜花都长出了小小的嫩芽,春天的到来让我们的家变得become; get; turn into; change into;更好。
