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英语作文素材 描写玩魔方的作文片段

英语作文素材 描写玩魔方的作文片段

英语作文素材 描写玩魔方的作文片段

英语作文素材 描写玩魔方的作文片段

English composition material A passage describing playing a Rubik's cube

At noon, the students cheered for joy, at this unusual time, we will take the class as a unit to carry out the Rubik's cube competition, the competition officially began. First of all, the players on the stage are respectively - Xiao Zhu, Xiao Zhang, Xiao Dong and three others, they are all interested and eager to try, good athletes on the field. With the teacher giving the order, the six players began to compete. The player Xiao Zhu appears confident, hands quickly flip the Rubik's cube, left and right index fingers quickly slide, the other three fingers are not outdone, turn over, turn over, turn upright, turn sideways. He hears the sound, he doesn't see the fingers, he flips it back to the front, he flips the color over there, he flips it over here, and then he flips both hands, and the champion is born. The second rotation player, Xiaolu hands speed is also extremely fast, but next to Xiaolu hand has been shaking, and a command, the game is over.


When the cube is lifted, when the timer start button is pressed in the hand, the Rubik's cube competition officially begins. Six confident students were staring at the Rubik's cube in their hands, including me. I was already locked in a battle with the Rubik's cube: the cube in my hand was spinning rapidly and changing directions, and my eyes were fixated on the color blocks on every face, as if I was trying to memorize their positions. Constantly carrying the formula learned, less than 20 seconds, will finish the white face. At this time, I suddenly encountered a problem. Frowning, left hand holding the Rubik's cube, right hand constantly turning, trying to find that seems to be unable to find the color block. When I saw that color block, I breathed a sigh of relief, and my thumb was clasped on the edge, constantly twisting upward: up, right, down, left... One by one, the faces are quickly recovering, although the classmates around them have raised their hands to hold the Rubik's cube. Although there is no recovery of all the strength of the Rubik's cube, but the emphasis is on participation!


The starting signal sounded, the second round of the Rubik's cube began, Xiaogu began to spin the cube, saw him pursing his mouth, a serious face, as if to conquer the world's problems. His eyes and hands cooperate at high speed: his black and white eyes move between his hands and the Rubik's cube, constantly looking for scattered white pieces. Hands slightly trembling, one hand holding one hand to move, the index finger and ring finger of the two hands in the shake insist on alternating "dance" - right dial, twist, left, turn up, constantly move the edge block, corner block... With his efforts, the cube changed from a white block at the beginning to a white cross block, and then more and more... A "Yay! I'm all right!" Interrupted his completion, in contrast to the excitement of his opponent, he walked off the platform with a look of indifference.
中午,同学们欢呼雀跃,在这个不寻常的时刻,我们将以全班为单位开展魔方Rubik's cube;比赛,比赛正式开始。首先,舞台上的队员分别是——小朱、小张、小董等三人,他们都是有兴趣又渴望尝试的优秀运动员。老师一声令下,六位选手开始比赛。玩家小朱显得自信满满,双手快速翻转魔方Rubik's cube;,左右食指index finger;快速滑动,其他三根手指也不示弱give the impression of weakness; show weakness; show the white feather; take sth. lying down;,翻转、翻转、竖转、横转。他听到声音,但看不见手指,他把它翻到前面,他把颜色翻到那里,他把它翻到这里,然后他把两只手都翻了,冠军诞生了。第二次轮换上场时,小鲁的手速度也异常快,但旁边的小鲁的手一直在颤抖,又一声命令,比赛结束了。


当魔方Rubik's cube;被举起,当手中的计时器启动按钮被按下,魔方Rubik's cube;比赛正式开始。六个自信的学生盯着手中的魔方Rubik's cube;,包括我在内including; internally; inly; intra;。我已经陷入了一场与魔方Rubik's cube;的战斗:我手中的魔方Rubik's cube;在快速旋转,不断改变方向,我的眼睛盯着每个脸上的色块,好像在努力记住它们的位置。不断背着学过的配方,不到less than; absent oneself from; on the right side of;20秒,就会把脸变白。这时,我突然遇到了一个问题。皱着眉头,左手拿着魔方Rubik's cube;,右手不停without stop;地转动,试图找到那个似乎找不到less than; absent oneself from; on the right side of;的色块。当我看到那个色块时,我松了一口气,我的拇指被抓在边缘上,不停without stop;地向上扭动:上、右、下、左……虽然周围的同学都举起手来拿着魔方Rubik's cube;,但他们的脸一个接一个地恢复了过来。虽然没有恢复魔方Rubik's cube;的所有力量,但重点是参与!


开始的信号响起,第二轮魔方Rubik's cube;开始了,小狗开始旋转魔方Rubik's cube;,只见Tadami;他抿着嘴,一脸严肃,好像要征服天下的难题。他的眼睛和手高速配合:他的黑眼睛和白眼睛在他的手和魔方Rubik's cube;之间移动,不断寻找散落的白色碎片。双手微微颤抖,一只手握住一只手移动,两只手的食指index finger;和无名指the ring finger; the fourth finger;在抖动中坚持交替“跳舞”——右拨、扭、左、翻,不断移动边块、角块……在他的努力下,立方体[数] cube; cubic;从一开始的白色方块变成了白色的十字方块,然后越来越more and more; increasingly;多……“耶!我没事!”他的演讲被打断了,与他的对手的兴奋相反,他带着漠不关心的神情走下了讲台。
