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英语作文素材 昂梯菲尔奇遇记好词好段

英语作文素材 昂梯菲尔奇遇记好词好段

英语作文素材 昂梯菲尔奇遇记好词好段
English composition material The Adventures of Ontifel remember the words and the passages

英语作文素材 昂梯菲尔奇遇记好词好段

Good words:

Flattery, concentration, embarrassment, exhaustion, habitual care

Salivating and nervous and graceful and skinny and sure and full of strange things

True to the name of pride and worry about the dream of being safe is worth a lot of money

Disorganized and thrilling and lost all the previous achievements of course self-contradictory soul

The wind and the rain and the wind and the rain and the wind and the rain and all at once the silence and the breath

Far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home and far from home

Indifferent, unrestrained, sure, dazzling, blue, different, silent

All is quiet, all is afraid, all is uneasy, all is plain, all is listening, all is not afraid

One heart and one heart and one heart and one heart and one heart and one heart and one heart and one heart

Nothing can be done to anger serious tussle, the fisherman benefit polite bow to orders

阿谀奉承 全神贯注狼狈不堪 精疲力尽 接二连三 习以为常 小心翼翼

垂涎欲滴 忐忑不安 文质彬彬 骨瘦如柴 千真万确 琳琅满目 稀奇古怪

名副其实 洋洋得意 牵肠挂肚梦寐以求 安然无恙 价值连城 盘根错节

杂乱无章 惊心动魄 不翼而飞 前功尽弃 理所当然 自相矛盾 丧魂落魄

踉踉跄跄 狂风暴雨 风调雨顺 气喘吁吁不谋而合 鸦雀无声 气喘吁吁

背井离乡 天涯海角 节衣缩食 垂涎欲滴 众所周知 镇定自若 毋庸置疑

无动于衷 无拘无束 千真万确 眼花缭乱 碧空万里与众不同 一言不发

万籁俱寂 担惊受怕 心神不定 粗茶淡饭 络绎不绝 洗耳恭听 无所畏惧

一心一意 称心如意 在所不惜 怒不可遏 搜肠刮肚 一筹莫展 丧尽天良

无济于事 大发雷霆 郑重其事 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 彬彬有礼 俯首听命

摇摇欲坠 寸草不生 索然无味 口若悬河 夸大其辞 目瞪口呆咄咄逼人
