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高一英语作文 赏花周记 550字

高一英语作文 赏花周记 550字

高一英语作文 赏花周记 550字

高一英语作文 赏花周记 550字

English Composition Flowers weekly record 550 words

Friday morning, the sun is fair and happy to emit light, the sun shines on my big belly, the rooster is singing, the birds are happy to fly, as if to help the sun to celebrate his birthday.

Then I stretched out, ready to face the day. My mother thought of a whim two months ago, my brother bought four tickets to the flower show, after a while, the dream moment came, our family of four took the bus to the "Zhengyan Hall", once in, we saw all kinds of creative works, the chair is full of many colorful flamingo, and the classroom is full of beautiful flower works... Among these works, the one I admire most is the Lucky Cat, which is made of daisies.

After that, my brother suddenly wanted to visit and experience the dream Hall. We have been looking for the unique dream hall, asking the way around, after 20 minutes, we finally arrived at the dream Hall. Mother went to buy tickets first, after, we entered the dream hall together, but before entering, the service staff first explained to us some precautions, but also we must keep in mind this form, that is, "stop at the red light, green light", once in, I saw a large flower, which seems to be larger than a person, the tour guide said there is a total of a hall, four halls.

First of all, we watch a small film, the flowers have been blooming, and then we go to the hall to visit, the hall is mainly to let us experience the dream, we first stand on a machine, it will give us five dreams, and I choose the dream is health, my lucky flower is the sun flower, they ask me to show confidence. Time flies, the first museum is based on visual illusion, the second museum is based on spatial concept, the third museum is based on nature, and the fourth museum is based on electronic flowers.

I hope to come to the flower show again next time.

星期五的早晨,太阳公平而快乐地发光,太阳照在我的大肚子pregnant;上,公鸡[禽] cock; [禽] rooster; chanticleer;在唱歌,鸟儿们高兴地飞着,好像在帮太阳庆祝他的生日。

然后我伸伸懒腰stretch oneself;,准备迎接新的一天。妈妈两个月前突发奇想,哥哥买了四张花展的票,过了一会儿,梦想的时刻来了,我们一家四口坐公交车去了“正岩馆”,一进去,我们就看到了各种各样various; different; several; all kinds of ...;的创意作品,椅子上摆满了许多五颜六色multicoloured; all the colors of the rainbow; all the colors of rainbow; every color under the sun; all the colours of the rainbow;的火烈鸟,教室里摆满了美丽的花作品……在这些作品中,我最欣赏的是由雏菊daisy; marguerite;制成的《幸运猫》。

在那之后,我哥哥突然想去参观和体验梦想大厅。我们一直在寻找独特的梦想大厅,四处问路,20分钟后,我们终于到达了梦想大厅。妈妈先去买票,之后,我们一起进入了梦想大厅,但在进入之前,服务人员先给我们解释了一些注意事项,也是我们必须记住的这个形式,那就是“红灯停,绿灯green light; permission to go ahead with some project; green light;停”,一次进去,我看到了一个很大的花,它似乎比一个人还大,导游说总共有一个大厅,四个大厅。

首先,我们看了一个小电影,花儿已经盛开了,然后我们去大厅参观,大厅主要是让我们体验梦想,我们先站在一个机器上,它会给我们五个梦想,我选择的梦想是健康,我的幸运花是太阳花,他们要求我表现出信心。时光飞逝fly; fleet (away); flight; pass away swiftly;,第一个博物馆以视觉错觉为基础,第二个博物馆以空间概念为基础,第三个博物馆以自然为基础,第四fourthly; fourth; four; number four;个博物馆以电子花为基础。

我希望下次再来看come to see; seen from;花展。
