首页 英语作文 高三英语作文 胜似亲人 850字

高三英语作文 胜似亲人 850字

高三英语作文 胜似亲人 850字

高三英语作文 胜似亲人 850字
English Composition Better than family 850 words
Love, only between the family?

高三英语作文 胜似亲人 850字

"Xiao" is the way others call her. When I first met her, "pretty" was my first impression of her; "Gracious and approachable" is my second impression of her. Later, I had more contact with her, and every day I attended her class, I felt relaxed, without any pressure and bondage. "Relaxed" is my third impression of her.

Inadvertently, she came into my world. At that time, I just entered the ten, no friends, I wrote a weekly record, no title, only content, I said that I have no friends, they live in the dark world can not save themselves, no one to save me. Later, when Zhou's book was posted, she said to me, "Don't you have any friends?" I would like to be your friend, would you?" She is like a ray of sunshine, lighting up my world.

Later, she and I became a good friend without talking, I have any happy or troubled things, all talk to her, she is also very willing to listen. Smile. It's her signature expression.

One day, I picked up a knife and cut my wrists because of family relations, I wanted to kill myself, I didn't tell her, I was afraid she would worry. But I did not succeed in suicide, I regret, just left on the wrist that deep red marks, I found myself reluctant to give up her. I don't know why, she is not related to me, I should be reluctant to give up her. But I couldn't get my heart out of her. When she saw the red seal on my wrist, she scolded me for the first time in her life, saying, "How can you be so upset?" If you die, what do I do? Do you want to leave me alone? Aren't we good friends? Aren't good friends supposed to share hardships? What kind of friend are you?" I was frightened by her sudden swearing and cried. When she saw me crying, she said to me in a very calm tone, "I am frightened by you, and we have an agreement that we should discuss anything with me first." It's all right, right? Let bygones be bygones. They're bygones, aren't they? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you that. ' As I wiped away my tears, I said, "It's okay, you're nervous, I said mine, aren't you? You're right, I shouldn't have done it. I still have you, shouldn't we? ' "Well, we agreed to be strong!" Then rings of silvery laughter rang through the office.

My feelings with her, beyond the teacher and student love, friendship, direct family. But we are not relatives, we are not related by blood, we are not related, but we are better than relatives. She can do things her family can't do. My love for her is beyond the love of the family, and her care for me is far beyond the family. How could I not be moved by that?


别人都叫她“小”。当我第一first; firstly;次见到lay eyes on;她,“漂亮”是我对她的第一first; firstly;印象;“和蔼可亲amiableness; genial;”是我对她的第二印象。后来,我和她有了更多的接触,每天上她的课,我都觉得很放松,没有任何压力和束缚。“轻松”是我对她的第三thirdly; third; iii; No. 3;个印象。



有一天,因为家庭关系,我拿起一把刀割腕,我想自杀,我没有告诉她,我怕她担心。但我没有自杀成功,我很遗憾,只是手腕上留下leave; leave behind; keep back; leave over;了那深红色的印记,我发现自己舍不得她。我不知道为什么,她和我没有血缘关系,我应该舍不得她。但我无法把我的心从她身上移开。当她看到我手腕上的红色印章时,她生平第一first; firstly;次责备blame; reproach; reprove;我说:“你怎么这么不高兴?”如果你死了,我该怎么办?你想让我一个人静静吗?我们不是好朋友吗?好朋友不应该同甘共苦share happiness and woe; share weal and woe; share sb's joys and sorrows;吗?你算什么朋友啊?”我被她突然的咒骂吓哭了。当她看到我哭的时候,她用非常平静的语气对我说:“我被你吓坏了,我们有一个协议,任何事情都应该先和我商量。”没事的,对吧?过去的就让它过去吧。都过去了,不是吗?对不起,我不应该那样叫你。”我一边擦眼泪一边说:“没关系,你紧张了,我也说了我的,是不是?”你说得对,我不该这么做。我还有你,不是吗?“好吧,我们说好要坚强的!”接着,办公室里响起了银铃般的笑声。

我与她的感情,超越了师生teachers and students;的爱情、友情、直接的亲情。但我们不是亲戚,我们没有血缘关系,我们没有血缘关系,但我们比亲戚要好。她能做她家人做不到less than; absent oneself from; on the right side of;的事。我对她的爱超越了家庭的爱,她对我的关心也远远afar; far and away;超越了家庭。我怎么能不被感动呢?
