首页 英语作文 高三英语作文 自信 750字

高三英语作文 自信 750字

高三英语作文 自信 750字

高三英语作文 自信 750字

高三英语作文 自信 750字

English Composition Confidence 750 words
Confidence is the eagle with wings to show the heroic fight, confidence is the mountain with pride of the peak shows the towering, confidence is the river with the flow of pentium shows the spirit, confidence is the courage and spirit when you face the challenge.

The poet Du Fu tells us that self-confidence is the spirit of "when Ling the top, a glance of the small mountains"; Poetry fairy Li Bai told us that confidence is "born my material will be useful, the daughter of the daughter will return" pride; Only with self-confidence can you cut off fear and fear and usher in the dawn of success. Beethoven played the symphony of life with confidence, Shi Tiesheng wrote a grand chapter of life with confidence, the women's volleyball team held the trophy after 17 years with confidence, Liu Xiang set off a yellow whirlwind in the Olympic Games with confidence, Tai Lihua danced an amazing dance with confidence... They are the best interpreters and implementers of confidence.

Confidence is the cornerstone of life, the foundation of life. With confidence, you can be like a black petrel, fearless brave fight when the storm comes, you can forge ahead in the journey of life, hard work and create brilliance. On the contrary, if a person is not confident, then even if it is good, it may become bad. Also in the last Athens Olympic Games, a Chinese men's double jump in the water, due to lack of confidence, too much pressure, in the last key jump a fatal mistake, will have easily won the gold medal, leaving a deep regret. It can be seen how great the role of confidence in life is! The power of self-confidence is enough to make the weak grass break through the blockade of the land and show vitality; Enough to make the drops of light water through the hard thick large boulder, showing the tenacious power; Enough to make the pine between the cliffs of the wind and snow, showing tough life. Believe in yourself, strength in the heart. Only by affirming that you believe in yourself, can you let others dare not look down on you, you can climb the highest peak of life, look down on the peaks, and experience the feeling of "when the Ling top, the small mountains at a glance". Everyone should have confidence and arm themselves with confidence to overcome every challenge and setback in life.

The college entrance examination is approaching day by day, facing the college entrance examination, some people are afraid, some are alarmed, but the same people are full of confidence. We should not shrink back, should not escape, because the power of self-confidence is enough to overcome all unpredictable difficulties, let people enjoy the sweetness of success.

信心是雄鹰用翅膀显示英勇搏击,信心是高山用骄傲显示高峰的高耸,信心是江河用奔腾的水流显示精神,信心是你面对in the face of;挑战时的勇气和精神。

诗人杜甫告诉我们,自信的精神是“当凌顶,望小山”;诗仙李白告诉我们,自信是“生我材必有用,女儿之女必回报”的骄傲;只有自信,才能斩断恐惧和畏惧,迎来成功的曙光。贝多芬用自信奏响人生交响曲,史铁生Shi Tiesheng(人名);用自信谱写人生恢宏篇章,女排用自信捧起17年后的奖杯,刘翔Liu Xiang;用自信在奥运会上掀起黄色旋风,邰丽华用自信跳出精彩舞蹈……他们是自信的最佳optimum; best;诠释者和实施者。

信心是人生的基石,是人生的根基。有了自信,你就能像一只黑海燕,在风雨来袭时无所畏惧的勇敢搏击,你就能在人生的征途上砥砺encourage; temper;奋进,拼搏拼搏,创造辉煌。相反,如果一个人不自信,那么即使再好,也可能变坏。同样在上届雅典奥运会上,一名中国男子双人跳远long jump; broad-jump;在水中,由于缺乏信心,压力太大too big; too large;,在最后一个关键起跳take off;时出现致命失误,将原本轻松夺得的金牌,留下leave; leave behind; keep back; leave over;了深深的遗憾。可见自信在生活中的作用是多么的大!自信的力量,足以使弱小的小草冲破土地的封锁,焕发生机;足以使轻的水珠穿过坚硬厚实的大石块,显示出顽强的力量;足以使山崖cliff;间的松树经受住风雪的考验,显出生命的坚韧。相信自己,力量在心中。只有肯定自己相信自己,才能让别人不敢小看自己,才能攀登人生的最高峰,俯视山峰,体会到“当凌顶,小山岳一览无余”的感觉。每个人都应该有信心,用信心武装自己,以克服生活中的每一个挑战和挫折。

高考一天天临近,面对in the face of;高考,有人害怕,有人惊慌,但同样的人充满了信心。我们不应该退缩,不应该逃避,因为自信的力量足以克服一切难以预料的困难,让人享受成功的甜蜜。
