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高考英语作文 失落的文明 900字

高考英语作文 失落的文明 900字

高考英语作文 失落的文明 900字

高考英语作文  失落的文明 900字

College Entrance Examination Lost Civilization 900 words

Pretends to be a nostalgic person.

Bicycle, car

The city is like the homework book of elementary school students, which is randomly painted to change, integrating wonderful chaos and splendid prosperity. Often ride a bicycle, enjoy the light breeze over the ear, enjoy the ease of sweating, enjoy the arrogance of rapid speed, enjoy unfettered freedom. After a crossroads, shuttling in the traffic; After rows of houses and shops, in the row upon row of flying; After a construction site, indulge in the dust; After a tree-lined path, stay in the lush green. Because young, I am not afraid, sometimes infatuated with the past, occasionally longing for the future, sometimes wasted time, often open mouth.

One day, suddenly found that the number of cars has been more than the bicycle, their huge bodies occupy the center of every street, their soaring exhaust enveloped the sky over every city, I suddenly understood: Jia Xuan's "BMW carved car fragrance full road" has become a reality, the bicycle is gradually away from me, just like I ride a bicycle past years, can not be picked up, more can not come back.

Blood, money

I'm the money-hungry but not profit-obsessed type. Often in a variety of newspapers, magazines and TV screens to see a variety of family disputes, 80 to 90 percent related to money. Or so-and-so owes so-and-so money, and the two are relatives, so one wants to deny the debt, one refuses to forgive, one goes to court; Or a couple divorcing and fighting over the division of assets; Or children fighting over their parents' inheritance. The list is too long.

What I don't understand here is: in the eyes of these people, is it not as good as money? As the old saying goes: Blood is thicker than water. It means that blood is above all else. I can agree with the righteous killing of relatives, but in any case do not agree that money can make the world go round. When it comes to emotional quality, money is of no use. Can money buy a broken relationship? No. Can money bring back the dead? No. Can money buy permanence? No. However, this very simple truth stumps many people today.

Pancakes, pizza

"Happy Hour Pizza Hut", an advertisement, two generations of complex. Pancake stalls, hot air, pushing the bicycle office workers like dragonfly water passing by, the end of the early exercise of the old people in twos and threes along the road, 7 cents of dough bread, business is good. In the western restaurant, the air conditioner attacked, the young men and women sucking the drink looked at each other and smiled, the students were gobbling up, talking and laughing, and the 9-inch pizza of 55 yuan was a hot business. Just like the quadrangles replaced by tall buildings, the Bridges replaced by elevated water, modern civilization, like a flood and a beast, swallows up the backwardness and dilapidated at a speed of lightning. Devouring it mercilessly, before it's even time for people to savor it. The present has driven away the past, and it will be driven away by the future. Traditions are disappearing and being replaced not by our own civilization, but by Western civilization; Lost, is I, is the same as my national, is we use the pen to fish a thin sadness.



城市像小学生的作业本,被人胡乱地涂来改去,融合了奇妙的杂乱无章与锦绣繁华。常常骑着单车,享受微风过耳的轻快,享受汗流浃背with sweat streaming down one's back; sweat like a pig;的惬意,享受急速飞驰的狂妄,享受无拘无束的自由。经过一个个十字路口,在车水马龙中穿梭;经过一排排房屋店铺,在鳞次栉比中遨游;经过一座座建筑工地,在尘土飞扬中放纵;经过一条条林荫小道,在郁郁葱葱a wild profusion of vegetation; luxuriantly green; It grows greener and fresher.;中逗留。因为年轻,我不畏惧,有时迷恋过去,偶尔憧憬未来,有时蹉跎光阴,常常口无遮拦。



我属于见钱眼开但不见利忘义的那种类型。往往在各种报刊杂志和电视荧屏上看到五花八门的家庭纠纷案,百分之八九十与钱有关。或者是某某欠某某钱,而两人both;是亲戚,于是一个想赖账repudiate a debt;,一个不依不饶,一来二去闹上公堂;或者是两夫妻离婚,为了财产分割问题大打出手;又或者是儿女争夺父母的遗产。举不胜举。

于此我不明白的是:在这些人眼中,难道亲情还不如钞票吗?古语有云:血浓于水。意即血缘是超越一切的。我可以赞同大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty;,却无论如何不敢苟同有钱能使鬼推磨。但凡涉及情感品质问题,金钱一概派不上任何用处。金钱能换来破镜重圆a broken mirror joined together; reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture;吗?不能。金钱能换来死而复生吗?不能。金钱能换来天长地久吗?不能。可是,这个挺简单的道理难住了当今不少人哦。


“开心时刻必胜客”,一则广告,两代情结。烧饼摊边,热气阵阵,推着单车的上班族如蜻蜓点水touch on sth. without going into it deeply;般路过,结束早锻炼的老人们三三两两沿路而坐,7角钱的油条deep-fried dough stick; fried bread stick;烧饼,生意还不错。西餐厅里,冷气袭袭,吮吸着饮料的年轻男女对视着微笑,学生们一边狼吞虎咽gobble; engorge; glut; wolf down; devour ravenously;,一边谈笑风生,55元的9寸比萨,生意堪称火爆。就像被高楼取代的四合小院,被高架取代的小桥流水,现代文明如洪水猛兽一般以风驰电掣的速度吞噬着落后和破旧。无情地吞噬,甚至还没来得及让人们回味。现在赶走了过去,又将被未来赶走。传统在消逝,取而代之的却不是本国的文明,是西方的文明;失落的,是我,是和我一样的国民,是我们用笔尖nib; pen point; the tip of a writing brush or pencil;垂钓一地瘦瘦的忧伤。
