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高二英语作文 好久不见_抒情随笔 350字

高二英语作文 好久不见_抒情随笔 350字

高二英语作文 好久不见_抒情随笔 350字

高二英语作文 好久不见_抒情随笔 350字

High school English composition Long time No see _ Lyrical Essay 350 words
Flicking cheek is the wind, wet eyes are tears, heart is full of missing......

-- inscription

We're all passers-by

The side has already changed a group of groups of people, from unfamiliar to familiar, and then to strange, we walk on the road of life, have their own journey, just like the passers-by in the street, may have intersection, but will eventually separate.

Gradually, we fade in each other's memory, even...... Disappear.

Um...... That's it...... Imitation is a brutal process.

Once, we shared a room with roommates;

Once, we laughed together, weepy face, through......

We in the vast sea of humanity finally met, met, know each other, but also in the vast sea of humanity separation, in the forward gradually forget each other.

I suddenly feel that the most cruel words in the world is called: there is no feast that does not end.

Dear friends, I may just be a passer-by, accompany you to walk a short period of life, do not ask you to remember me, just accidentally think of, also can smile like a flower......

轻拂的脸颊cheek;是风,湿了的眼睛是泪,心中满是思念miss; long for; have in mind;......


我们都是路人passerby; stranger;

身边已经换了一群一群的人,从陌生到熟悉,再到陌生,我们走在人生的路上,都有各自的旅程[交] journey; trip; itinerary; route;,就像街上的路人passerby; stranger;,可能会有交集intersection;,但终究会分开。

渐渐地,我们在彼此的记忆里褪色colour fading;,甚至......消失。

嗯……就是这样……模仿imitation; imitate; simulate;是一个残酷的过程。


曾经,我们一起笑,泪流满面,走过walk through; pass by; go by; go across;......

我们在茫茫人海中终于相遇了,相遇了,相知bosom friend; know each other well;了,也在茫茫人海中分离了,在前进中渐渐忘记了彼此。


亲爱的朋友,我可能只是一个路人passerby; stranger;甲,陪你走一段短暂transience; brevity;的人生,不要求你记得我,只是偶然想起,也能笑得像一朵花......
